Ce premier sommet de la conscience
She says on this video clip that she took six months to prepare her one week conference!
Banners are ready
For Daniel's webinar, here are some visuals ready to be used:
855px x 482px
i.d # + link leading to a countdown
< {img fileId="332" link="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock /fixedtime.html?msg=Webinaire%3A+Yoga+Partout.com.++ Vendredi+le+6+Septembre+2013&iso=20130906T13&p1=165&ah=3"}
855px x 482px
< {img fileId="332" link="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock /fixedtime.html?msg=Webinaire%3A+Yoga+Partout.com.++ Vendredi+le+6+Septembre+2013&iso=20130906T13&p1=165&ah=3"}
855px x 482px
400px × 276px
More images
Other visuals if necessary at:
Interesting links (external)
Interesting links (internal)
- Vous êtes ici
- Gary's Space aka index or Hello World
- What should the webinar home page look like
- PlanDaffaire
- Webinar's planning page
- Daniel's personal notes
Pages related to this one
10 pages link to ExempleDeWebinaire
- AlsaWiki
- ExempleDeWebinaire
- Home
- Pivoter-ScaleUp
- RickSpace
- TemplateTPartoutV3
- Webinar
- WebinarPlanning
- WebinarSplashScreen
- WireframePourTPpointORG